– Members of the Railway Photographic Society (RPS) & Railway Camera Club (RCC) –
Members since 1922 |
(current members shown in bold, | with portfolio links in blue) |
John Adams ARPS | David Gibson | Keith Pirt |
W.J.V. ‘Bill’ Anderson | G.R. Grigs | J.C.L. Prideaux (joint founder) |
H. John Ashman FRPS | Frank R. Hebron | Dr Pat Ransome-Wallis |
Dr Edgar G. Ashton ARPS | John F. Henton | Paul Riley |
Bob Avery | David Hepburne-Scott | Dick (R.C.) Riley |
Doug Birmingham | Cyril C.B. Herbert | Peter J. Robinson |
Colin P. Boocock | John R. Hillier | Peter W. Robinson |
Tom Boustead | A. Wyn Hobson | Peter Rose |
Nick Brodrick | Colin Hogg | Patrick J. Russell |
Eric D. Bruton | Grenville R. Hounsell | J.F. Russell-Smith |
David E. Canning | Ian Hudson | Peter J. Shoesmith |
Frank G. Carrier | Geoff Jackson | Rod Smith |
Jim R. Carter | Geoffrey J. Jefferson | John P. Snell |
Henry C. Casserley | Pat Kilner | Brian Stephenson |
Rev. Arthur C. Cawson | Geoffrey D. King | J. Stradwick |
John Clemmens | Norman Kneale | Tony Teague |
Dr John A. Coiley | Steve Knight | Sidney E. Teasdale |
C.R. Lewis Coles | Ian Krause | Alan Thompson |
K.L. Cook | G. Lander | H. Gordon Tidey |
John Cooper-Smith | Bradley Langton | Bishop Eric Treacy |
Stephen C. Crook | Robert Leslie | Roy E. Vincent |
Derek Cross | Tom Lewis | Thomas H. Watts |
Steven Crozier | Rev. Arthur W.V. Mace | Martin Welch |
Jack Cupit | Sean Mattocks | Philip H. Wells |
Derrick Dant | Ross Middleton | E.R. Wethersett |
John G. Dewing | John D. Mills | Patrick Whitehouse ARPS |
Brian Dobbs | Walter Moffat | John S. Whiteley |
H.C. Doyle | Brian Morrison | Dafydd Whyles |
Maurice W. Earley (founder) | Gavin W. Morrison | Ken Wightman |
Mike Eggenton | Dr Les A. Nixon | Tom E. Williams |
Les Elsey | Eric Oldham | Gavin L. Wilson |
Richard K. Evans | O.S. Osenton (joint founder) | Jimmy Wilson |
Roger Fielding | Ian S. Pearsall | John P. Wilson |
Peter Fitton | A.M.D. Pender | Barry Wynne |
Michael J. Fox |